Orfeo as a clown

Orfeo as a clown draws its inspiration from the myth of Orfeo, and the opera Orfeo ed Euridice by Christoph Willibald Gluck. In the world premier of this duet, Cohen collaborates with a couple of exceptionally talented dancers/musicians, in looking at the myth of Orfeo as the mimesis of an artist. Orfeo's noble attempt to save his beloved wife Eurydice was done through his music, who enchanted all. Using his artistic skills, he descended into the underworld, demanding life and love. Just like Orfeo, the performers in this work fight for the love of the audience, and the love of each other, attempting to touch the untouchable. This creation asks to deconstruct the key themes and motives of the story of Orfeo into the very core of the act of performance


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